Ammonia Ion Selective Electrodes: A Comprehensive Guide

Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode: Quick and Accurate Solution for Various Applications

Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode: Quick, Accurate and Economical Solution for Various Applications

The ammonium ion selective electrode is an indispensable tool for measuring the concentration of ammonium ions in aqueous solutions. It offers a quick, simple, accurate, and economical way to monitor ammonium ion levels, making it ideal for use in various applications, such as environmental monitoring, wastewater treatment, and agricultural testing.

One of the key features of the ammonium ISE is its ability to provide accurate and reliable results. Compared to other methods, the ammonium ion selective electrode is much more economical, which means it can save time and money. Additionally, it is compatible with most pH meters, making it easy to integrate into existing laboratory equipment.

The benefits of using the ammonium ion selective electrode are numerous. For one, it allows for easy and accurate monitoring of ammonium ion concentrations in various applications. It can be used in the field or in the lab, providing real-time results for immediate decision making. Moreover, it helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and quality control standards.


In environmental monitoring, the ammonium ISE can be used to measure the concentration of ammonium ions in soil and water, which is important in assessing the health of ecosystems. In wastewater treatment, it can be used to monitor the efficiency of the treatment process and to detect any potential environmental hazards. In agricultural testing, it can be used to measure the concentration of ammonium ions in soil, which is important for plant growth and health.

In conclusion, the ammonium ion selective electrode is a quick, accurate, and economical solution for measuring ammonium ion concentrations in various applications. Its features and benefits make it an ideal tool for those who need to monitor ammonium ion levels, whether in the field or in the lab. If you are looking for an efficient and reliable way to measure ammonium ions, the ammonium ion selective electrode is the way to go.

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Science to save the Mar Menor:

Science to save the Mar Menor: The innovative automatic ion analyzer AMIC7

The innovative AMIC7 automatic ion analyzer is the necessary tool to combat water pollution in the Mar Menor, a region of Murcia, Spain, known for its crystal clear waters and rich marine life

Join us on this journey to learn how this find can be the savior of the Mar Menor.

The Mar Menor, a natural paradise in the region of Murcia, Spain, is known for its crystal clear waters and rich marine life. In recent years, however, it has fallen victim to serious pollution due to the presence of nutrients such as ammonium, nitrogen and others, which can have harmful effects on the ecological balance of the ecosystem.

To combat this problem, our scientists have developed an automatic AMIC7 ion analyzer that generates solutions to measure the levels of these nutrients in the water of the Mar Menor and in all fertigation and leachate processes that can generate an excess of input. This device is crucial to detect early pollution and take measures to protect biodiversity and water quality in the area.

Ammonium, nitrogen, among others, are essential nutrients for the growth of algae and other aquatic organisms, but in excess they can be harmful to the ecological balance of the ecosystem. If there are too many nutrients in the water, an algal overload can occur, which in turn can deplete oxygen and create “dead zones” where marine life cannot survive. Thanks to the automatic ion analyzer, scientists can accurately measure ammonium and nitrogen levels in Mar Menor water, allowing water managers to take immediate action to prevent pollution and protect the health of the marine ecosystem. This device is a valuable tool for long-term monitoring of water quality in the Mar Menor.

The recovery of the Mar Menor will be a “very long process
complex” and will last for decades

By measuring nutrient levels in water on a regular basis, trends and patterns can be detected over time and resource management adjustments made to protect the area’s biodiversity. In conclusion, the automatic ion analyzer is a vital tool in the fight against water pollution in the Mar Menor. By allowing accurate, real-time measurement of nutrient levels, immediate action can be taken to protect the marine ecosystem and maintain water quality in the area.


With the help of this technology and responsible resource management, we can ensure the conservation of the Mar Menor and its rich biodiversity for future generations. Discover how a revolutionary automatic ion analyzer can be the solution to restore water quality in the Mar Menor.

This innovative device generates precise solutions in real time to combat pollution caused by ammonium, nitrogen and others. Thanks to its efficiency and speed, it can be a crucial tool for protecting the environment and aquatic life in the Mar Menor.